17 Apr 2015

Custom Spray in L4D2

A common problem problem in Left 4 Dead 2 in Steam on Linux seems to be when attempting to import sprays, resulting in the error:
Spray Import Error
Unable to write output spray file. It's possible the current user doesn't have permission.

Whether this happens in other source games also, I do not know, however the fix should be the same.

L4D2 seems to perform half of the action needed, it just has problems when copying the actual image file into the folder it needs to be in.

So here is the remedy:

1) Start by attempting to import a VTF spray image in game.

2) Close the game (this is to reset where the file location opens).

3) In your favourite file browser go to the location of:
/home/user/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/materials/vgui/logos/custom
Replacing user with your user name (it's probably best to navigate to it yourself in case of cap sensitivity).
If you have an alternate method for getting to your steam folder it should also work.

4) You should notice a VMT file with the name of your spray, in my case; DoItOnLinux.vmt
In that same folder copy your VTF file, in my case; DoItOnLinux.vtf

5) Start the game again.

6) Go into Options then into Multiplayer.

7) Choose Spraypaint Image and you should see that you now have the option Custom Logo.

8) Click Custom Logo and you will be introduced to an empty folder.

9) Type the name of your logo (it does not need the file extension), in my case; DoItOnLinux

10) Custom Spray everywhere!


  1. Maaaaaaany thanks!!!!!!

  2. It works! XD Thank you ;D

  3. ahh ha, after reading your suggestion several time it finally click. ty!

  4. Thank you, this worked perfectly :D

  5. Thanks a lot.

  6. Didn't work; thanks for wasting my time! :D
